Vocal & Choral

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A Carlow Song Cycle


sop gtr + tape

Text: Derek Coyle

Duration: 30′

Première: 11 January 2019, VISUAL, Carlow

Elizabeth Hilliard (sop), Morgan Buckley (gtr)

…because my voice was new


sss aaa ttt bbb


Duration: 17′

Commissioned by Chamber Choir Ireland and grand-aided by the Arts Council of Ireland/An Comhairle Ealaíon

Dead Earth


sss aaa ttt bbb

Text: Alfonsina Storni

Duration: 9′

Première: 4 November 2010, Trinity College Chapel, Dublin

Milltown Chamber Choir, cond. Orla Flanagan

Eternity Is Now


m-sop solo

Text: Anne LeMarquand Hartigan

Duration: 4′

Première: 13 November 2008, Unitarian Church, St Stephen’s Green, Dublin

Elizabeth Hilliard

CD: Elizabeth Hilliard – Sea to the West Métier MSV 28551



sop acc

Text: Ralph Waldo Emerson

Duration: 12′

Commissioned by Ian Wilson on behalf of Sligo New Music Festival 2007, with funds provided by the Arts Council of Ireland / An Comhairle Ealaíon

Première: 13 April 2007, Model Arts and Niland Gallery, Sligo

Alda Caiello (sop), Dermot Dunne (acc)



2 children’s choirs, 3200 1100, 2 perc, glock, str + tape

Text: Gráinne Mulvey

Duration: 20′

Commissioned by Waterford New Music Week with funds provided by the Arts Council / An Chomhairle Ealaíon

Première: 26 January 2004, Good Shepherd Chapel, Waterford

The Larks Choir, Waterford Boy Singers, WIT Youth Orchestra, dir. Deirdre Scanlon, Sinead Dempsey, Niall Crowley

La Corbière


sop perc(4)

Text: Anne LeMarquand Hartigan

Duration: 10′



ss aa tt bb

Duration: 7′

Stabat Mater


17 voices a capella

3 sop, 3 mez, 2 alto, 4 ten, 2 bar, 2 bass

Duration: 5′

Commissioned by Cork International Choral Festival with funds provided by the Arts Council / An Chomhairle Ealaíon

Première: 1 May 2003, Cork International Choral Festival, City Hall, Corko

National Chamber Choir, conductor Celso Antunes

Waiting for Godot


mezzo bass pf

Text: Samuel Beckett

Duration: 7′

Première: 21 July 2000. Ennis/IMRO Composition Summer School, Cólaiste Mhuire, Ennis, Co. Clare [workshop performance]

Colette McGahon (mezzo), Conor Biggs (bass), Patrick Zuk (pf)